Side Banners (Xatspace)

Firstly, before getting into this I’d like to say that I would not be making any of this without Jake he was the first to show me how it’s done, regardless of what anyone else says, if you need extra help on it contact him or visit his post. (Cutting Edge)

So this is a tutorial for how to make xatspace side banners, if you want to buy one redirect yourself to here.
And Before anything, you need winrar & need to know how to extract for any of this to work. This is for GIMP 2.8 & Photoshop.

.xcf File
Inside the download you will find an .xcf file, this is to be opened with GIMP, the layers are Boundary (Shows where the 16 px. space must be) keep it hidden at all times for transparency and guide to where your limits are. Border is optional if you use a border on your xatspace, e.g mine is orange you’ll have to manually color yours in the image file. Finally, A background layer which is pointless actually but can’t hurt to add it.

.psd File
Same as .xcf basically just converted to .psd format.

Examples Folder
There I left examples to show how the banners should look when done, and the “Example” image is a sort of guide.

Once you’re done with the technical side, then comes adding them; you type this code in the “Optional (URL or background CSS):”

  • background: url(‘LINK HERE’) right 146px scroll no-repeat, #000;

Once again if you need any more help on this subject visit Jake or his post.

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